Lemaan Ahcai demands of itself no less than absolute excellence in its educational program and conduct, social activities, enrichment programs and supplementary services. Despite the large student body (300 students, boys and girls), the school succeeds in maintaining its uniqueness in the warm and personal attention given to each and every student. Lemaan Achai’s educational agenda believes in advanced, broad-minded and knowledge-thirsty education and offers far more than is obligatory by the general educational system. The school focuses strongly on the importance of fundamental humanitarian values such as respect for our familial and national identities, the importance of giving and of involvement in community concerns, and other such basic values with the goal of creating a generation of future leaders in Israeli society.
For more information and to registerThe school is divided into a few separate wings. Beit Shmuel, the boys’ wing, was donated by Mr. Eki Franko and his family in memory of their beloved late father, Shmuel Franko. Beit Frieda, the girls’ wing, was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Rachel Sithon for the quick recovery of Frieda Sithon. An additional wing, Mishkan Eliyahu, the younger boys’ division, was donated in memory of Eliyahu Levin by his grandchildren, Hagai and Ronit Laniado.
Lemaan Achai aspires for excellence, providing top quality education and investing endlessly to ensure that all students will receive the most out of all subjects. The school employs first-rate teachers with extensive knowledge and a proven educational approach, and offers advanced computer classes, educational materials, and fully equipped classrooms which encourage a love of learning.
In a generation that is notorious for its rampant disrespect for elders, Lemaan Achai places a focus on this painful issue and emphasizes fundamental human values. The school promotes a solid respect for all basic identity circles – family, community and national, while encouraging activities on behalf of the community and the public at large, acceptance and understanding of those who are different or handicapped, and more. The results speak for themselves, and families of the students testify that they have seen a wonderful change take place in the entire family because of this.
As educators, it is clear to the Lemaan Achai administration and educational staff that the road to educational and academic success begins in a solid relationship between the students and their teachers. The sense of security provided in such a framework is achieved through messages of trust and close attention to every student's progress. To allow this, classes are limited to 30 students at most and divided further into smaller groups for the main subjects, in addition to a higher staff to student ratio in those classes.
Lemaan Achai provides its students with a broad education, unrestricted by outside factors, helping the students develop into intelligent and leading members of society. For this purpose, a long school day is implemented and the children receive a nourishing hot lunch in school. The school also provides safe transportation to the children's homes at the conclusion of the school day.
Beyond the high standard of educational studies, the school also invests tremendously in the enrichment of the students through programs which are not mandated by the Ministry of Education. Further reinforcement of such subjects as English, computers, technology and science alongside classes in art, drama and music – the "reading and writing" of the soul – begin as early as first grade and as part of the regular curriculum. Lemaan Achai believes that these studies are crucial for the students' smooth integration into the universality that is the twenty-first century.
Lemaan Achai invests much effort into creating an exciting social atmosphere, with the firm belief that it is of utmost importance for the student's educational and emotional well-being. Various programs and activities including a school newsletter, outings, day camps and different projects comprise an inseparable part of the wonderful educational experience offered to the students. In addition, the students enjoy a life skills course in which valuable informal communication between the student and the teacher is encouraged, as personal and social skills are honed.
The school strives to produce students whose excellence, intellect, character and community involvement will contribute to and provide an example for Israeli society.
Mrs. Orly Yona, Director of Lemaan Achai SchoolThe school's educational staff is comprised of wonderful teachers, veteran educators of great stature with a breadth of knowledge and a proven educational approach. The teachers are all graduates of teaching institutes and training programs with all requisite academic degrees.
The teachers lovingly devote themselves to the students, assisting them in reaching academic success and ensuring their emotional well-being and acquisition of solid social skills. They view their selfless work with a sense of mission and a deep love for their students. The administration invests much effort in selecting teachers of the highest caliber and constantly supervising their progress in meeting the timetables and goals.
Every day, Yoav comes home bursting with stories and with a glow in his eyes. He is simply blossoming – and so am I!
Ruthy Shoshani, Yoav's motherI feel that my teacher really cares about me and wants me to succeed.
Noam Elizur, 6th gradeI have been their general studies teacher since first grade, and it is a real pleasure to see them growing, developing and happy.
Chaim Cohen, 4th grade teacherAs a parent, it is important to me that my child will be educated to basic Israeli values. Sometimes the most basic is the most important!
Yigal Maor, father of Dor, 1st gradeLemaan Achai operates various communal, educational and social services
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